Winter is Almost Here
This Christmas Season came so fast! It is a great time to show the ones you love how much they mean to you. It's a time to reflect on what we have accomplished, and what we strive to conquer the following year. A time to indulge in the cheerfulness of the season and enwrap ourselves in the joy of giving.
Its also the season when we need the most help when it comes to our beauty regimen. Lets face it, we all experience the bitter cold and the effects the dry heat can have. It can reek havoc on our skin's suppleness, which isn't just our face, but our scalp and bodies too!
We go into the mall to get some shopping done and its super cozy and warm, but after a few minutes we begin to experience what I call dry face syndrome. My face feels dry, my lips require a few licks to keep them somewhat moist, and my jacket begins to feel like I'm in a crockpot. And as if it couldnt get any worse, you step outside to the btitter cold and what little moisture we had left is quckly dissapated. By the time we run and get into our cars and blast the heater to warm up, our poor face, lips and even our skin everywhere else is left dry and crying for help. At least thats how dramatic it feels in my head, I suppose its a bit of an exageration for just one day, but over the course of the months it takes a huge toll.
Flaky itchy scalp, cracked skin around your hands, cracked lips, and super dry skin can leave anyone feeling helpless. It takes a different approach to getting ready and we don't always have extra time to help target these symptoms all at once.
But alas, there is help! We can all combat the enviromental effects the weather has on our bodies by taking a few extra steps to help fight off Mother Nature's vendetta on us. Check out these tips on what can help make our lives a little more moisture friendly this season.
All these concerns can be addressed using the right products that work well and deliver results. We know how important it is to always maintain a healthy body, and our skin is just an extension of that. It only takes a few extra steps to hydrate our skin and keep our moisture levels at a good balance. The Holiday Season also brings gatherins at work, at home or with friends. Avoiding the dry face syndrome will give us a radiant look for the coming festivities. Above all it's a gift we can all give ourselves, we owe it to our future selves to begin to invest in our skin's health.
We wish you and your family a Very Happy Holiday Season and an amazing 2016! Stay warm, but above all stay hydrated =)